Microsoft Office for Students
All Spartanburg Methodist College students are eligible to utilize up to five complimentary licenses of Microsoft Office 365 for Students. This includes access to essential applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Microsoft Teams, among others.
To access these resources on your desktop, please follow these steps:
1. Visit from your web browser.
2. Log in using your SMC e-mail address and password. This grants access to the web-based versions of the complete Microsoft Office suite.
3. On your PC or Mac, locate the "Install and more" drop-down button positioned in the top right corner and then click Install Microsoft 365 apps. This will install the complete Microsoft Office apps. You may activate this on up to five distinct devices.
To access these resources on your mobile phone, please follow these steps:
1. It is recommended that you download the Microsoft Office 365 mobile app on your mobile device.
2. Sign in with your SMC e-mail address and password to access the mobile version of Microsoft Office 365.
3. Navigate to apps on the bottom right and you can install the individual Microsoft Office 365 applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Microsoft Teams, among others.
These steps ensure that you can effectively utilize Microsoft Office 365 across various platforms to support your academic endeavors at SMC.