How to Convert a Pages file to a .doc or .docx (Word file) or .pdf from Pages
Converting a Pages file to a .doc or .docx (Word file)
Some assignments have document extension restrictions. This will mean that you cannot submit a file ending with .pages. To convert a pages file into an acceptable extension such as Microsoft word or a .pdf, follow the steps below.
1. Open the Pages document that you want to convert.
2. At the top of the screen choose File > Export To, then select the format you desire. In the window that appears, you can choose from several different formats. You will want to choose either Word or PDF.
3. If you've chosen Word, .docx is the default. If you've chosen PDF .pdf is the default. Once you've confirmed the type, Enter a name for your file, then choose a location for the file to be saved.
4. You now have the file saved as a word document which can be uploaded to Brightspace.
You can also watch a video tutorial of the process for a step-by-step walkthrough.